Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Aunt Jenny Copes

"Brutal, obscene and disgusting." Those are the words of the author, William Burroughs, describing his book, Naked Lunch. And he says, "Sickness (in this case, drug addiction) is often repulsive details not for weak stomachs." I've just started the book. I'm going to finish it, because I want to know if I can related to the Newsweek book review that said "A masterpiece. A cry from hell, a brutal, terrifying, and savagely funny book that swings between uncontrolled hallucination and fierce, exact satire." Right now, I'm trying to get past the "brutal, obscene and disgusting" part. Once I'm numb to that, hopefully I can see some literary value in this book. I'll get back to you, Anthony. 

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